Category Archives: Zambia

World Lion Day

June 10 is World Lion Day.

In 1975 there were an estimated 250,000 lions on the African Continent. Today perhaps as few as 18,000 remain. Loss of habitat due to human population explosion, cattle herding, poaching and poisoning by the agriculture industry at the threats to this Big Cat.

Lear more via the Power of Film at the 2018 WCFF. Join us October 18-28 in New York city for then days of world premiere documentary film screenings, panel discussion, networking, field trips, receptions, and more.

Get your tickets or all access film festival pass:

Christopher J. Gervais, FRGS

Wildlife Conservation Film Festival
October 18-28, 2018 | New York, NY
Twitter: @WCFF_org
Instagram: @wcff_org
LinkedIn: Wildlife Conservation Film Festival

“A Herd of Orphans” – WCFF

“A Herd of Orphans” produced & directed by Kelly Bakos, screens in New York, NY this October at the WCFF eight year anniversary.

Synopsis: When poachers kill adult elephants for their ivory, the calves that are left behind are orphaned, homeless and and unable to survive without the care of a herd. This endearing documentary film takes us on a journey to Zambia, Africa to meet these young elephants and explore the orphanage that gives these calves a second chance as A Herd of Orphans

WCFF is the premiere international film festival for wildlife. Our mission is to inform, engage and inspire wildlife conservation through the power of film. Join us for our eight year anniversary in New York, NY, October 18-28, 2018. Ten days of film screenings, panel discussions, receptions, field trips, networking, Virtual Reality and more.

Contact: to join the planning committee. Sponsor the film festival, advertise on the big screen during the outdoor summer series and the October festival. Take a page in the full color program book to be distributed in USA and other countries.

Christopher J. Gervais, FRGS

Wildlife Conservation Film Festival
October 18-28, 2018 | New York, NY
Twitter: @WCFF_org
Instagram: @wcff_org
LinkedIn: Wildlife Conservation Film Festival