Category Archives: Javan Rhino

Javan Rhinoceros population holding steady

The Javan rhinoceros, one of the world’s most endangered species, continues to persevere in its last remaining sanctuary, latest census from the Indonesia government finds a minimum of 67 individuals. The species is restricted to Ujung Kulon National Park, which is only 185 square miles, roughly the size of New York City boroughs, Queens and Brooklyn combined

The Javan Rhino was once the most widespread of all rhino species in Asia, found from Assam and Bengal (where their range would have overlapped with both the Sumatran and Indian rhinos) eastward to Myanmar, Thailand, Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam, and southwards to the Malay Peninsula and the islands of Sumatra, Java, and possibly Borneo. Today the species is only found in the western tip of the island of Java. Deforestation, human population, poaching have decimate the species.

The WCFF informs, engage and inspires wildlife conservation through the power of film. Join us for our eight year anniversary in New York, NY, October 18-28, 2018. Ten days of film screenings, panel discussions, receptions, field trips, networking, Virtual Reality and more.

Contact: to join the planning committee. Sponsor the film festival, advertise on the big screen during the outdoor summer series and the October festival. Take a page in the full color program book to be distributed in USA and other countries.

Christopher J. Gervais, FRGS

Wildlife Conservation Film Festival
October 18-28, 2018 | New York, NY
Twitter: @WCFF_org
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LinkedIn: Wildlife Conservation Film Festival